We are not using any guitar in the backing tracks and also no vocals and choirs in the backing tracks.
Temperance have just released their new album “Hermitage – Daruma’s Eyes Pt. 2” on 2oth October 2023. Read our review here. A few days later, I had the chance to interview them, namely Marco Pastorino, their- guitarist and one of two male vocalists. Due to a failure of my time management, we had to fall back to a written interview instead of a personal meeting on Skype. I hope, you will like it though.
Hi Marco!
Thank you for taking the time for the interview with us. I’m Friend.X of Obscuro.eu.
“Thanks for your time.”
First of all, I must confess, I know only little to nothing about you. Lisa and Sarah-Jane of Napalm Records made me aware of you. So can you please give a brief introduction?
“We are on the road since 2014. We did tons of shows all over Europe, USA and Japan. We are totally into melodic metal but with tons of different influences”
Introducing the album
Your newest release “Hermitage – Daruma’s Eyes Pt. 2” is a concept album and contains 14 tracks. Was it difficult to put it together?
“It was a long process ‘cause you know, we had to follow a complete story and we wrote a song for every chapter. But it was such a cool journey and a great experience.”
What is the story about?
It’s a full story based on time travel. The main character is called Viktor, a guy from New York. Viktor is not completely satistied about his life. That’s the reason why he decided to travel the world to reach Japan and Tokyo to find himself. Then in the Asakusa Temples, he founds a doll, the Daruma. Just touching the doll he moved into another world, Hermitage. In this place he will meet new friends and he will change his destiny.”
What is your favourite track of the album?
“Probably ‘A Hero Reborn’ and ‘Cliff’, the longest tracks of the album. In long tracks like these, you can go on with a proper story with no problems. And in Cliff I think there’s the climax of the album.”
The Guests
You have some outstanding guest musician on the album. How did you find them?
“We were in touch with them since months and I think we had the chance to collaborate with some of the best singers out there like Fabienne Erni, Laura Fella , Alessandro Conti but also a legend like Arjen Lucassen as narrator.”
Especially Fabienne Erni seems to be very proud of the result, will you work together with her in the future again?
“You never know what will happen in the future, but for sure she did an outstanding job. She is a fantastic human being.”
Epic difference
Would you, yourself call the songs of the album “epic”, how do you describe them?
“Sure, Hermitage It’s the most epic album we ever done. Not only because the music but also the lyrics and the topic in the entire album.”
What is the spirit which makes your songs special and above average of, let’s say ‘usual melodic symphonic metal bands’?
“I mean, I still think the cool combination in Temperance is between big melodies, strong choruses and the mix of all three lead voices.”
About backing tracks
Do you use different tunings for your instruments, most bands seem to stick to “E-tuning”?
How many layers of guitar did you create on the album?
“As usual two for rhyhthm plus tons of solos and arrangements.”
How will you re-create them on stage? I believe you would need at 4 or 5 guitars alone!
“Even more. Just kidding. We are not using any guitar in the backing tracks and also no vocals and choirs in the backing tracks. For sure the result is different than the album, but at least very realistic.”
I love Steinman
At first listening to the album, I immediately had Jim Steinman in mind, do you have any role models in this case, no matter if modern or classic, even ancient?
“I love Steinman. One of my favourite songwriters ever and for sure you can notice his big influence on me on ‘Cliff’.”
I didn’t find anything about a Part one, does it exist, or is it yet to come as a prequel?
“We realised the part 1 as Song on 2018 for Of Jupiter and Moons album. Let’s see if we will realise something more in the next years.”
Sometimes a song needs ten minutes
As ou seem to prefer longer songs rather than those old school barely 3:30 songs, do you need the time to build up the songs? Or do you just like long songs.
“Depends by the track. In Hermitage we have also ‘Where We Belong’, very short track and a sort of introduction for the last part of the album. Also ‘No Return’, the shortest single of Temperance history . But yes, there’s no rule at all. Sometimes a song needs ten minutes, otherwise sometimes fout minutes Is enough.”
Future plans
Being from Italy, do you have the feeling that it is more difficult for to be recognized than for example Swedish or British bands?
“Honestly I think so but at the same time I don’t wanna complain about It. We are so grateful we are able to play our music all over the world and that’s the most important thing.”
Nevertheless, after you supported Tarja during her tour this year, do you have plans for an own headliner or festival tour in 2024?
“Tons of plans. We will start a European tour with Serenity all over Europe on February , then tons of stuff will come.”
Tours and the life between the venues
Do you have a funny story to tell about tour life?
“Tons of stuff happened in the past ahahah tourlife. It’s always cool , also when you have tons of problems to manage. But there’s no sensation as when you reach a different country and tons of people travel for hours just because of your music.”
A lot of bands suffer from high touring costs and more or less rush from gig to gig, one day – one show, next town, next show. How about you?
“Nowadays it’s crazy but the entire scene is suffering because everything is extremely expensive nowadays. For small bands like Temperance its very difficult totravel in other continents, even more now.”
Do you at least take some time for a little sight-seeing?
“Every time it’s possible yes. I really love to walk by the city and discover new places.”
Do you have a favourite venue?
“Tons! But I would say Live Club in Milano and Z7 in Pratteln”
Which venue would be a dream come true in this case?
“I don’t know, there are so many great venues out there. Probably Latin America is one of my dreams in general.”
What are your favourite dishes on tour?
“Since I am vegan, sometimes it’s difficult find stuff. But I love tons of different stuff, especially Thai food.”
And beverages?
“My favourite one is…. water!”
At least, do you have a ritual before you enter the stage?
“We use to shake our hands and hug each other.”
If so, I can’t wait to enjoy you live after this ceremony! Thank you for the interview!
“Thanks for your time! See you sooon hopefully.”
Save the dates:
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proof reading by DeepL
pics: video screenshots of Daruma and Darkness is Just a Drawing