Rock & Metal Day’z 2024 – Here We Were

The donations and the auction

As I have already written, Fire Rose donated a sum they collected during their tours, but there was more. M.a.DE for Kids itself donated a collection some hundred kilos of bottle caps. The wooden bench created by Oli went on auction. It was a tough and close race between two bidders. Finally, it was sold for 1919,19 € to a member of the crew.

SpiraTec and Eiscafé Saravia together donated 2905.- €. The band W.U.F.F. and friends collected and donated a sum of 1000.- €. Touching their unicorn during the festival brought in another sum of more than 100.- €! The donations of befriended Motorbike Clubs brought in 666.- € twice and 1045.- €! THANK YOU, all of you! And I surely don’t forget Helge who celebrated his birthday and donated a large barrel of beer on it and just asked to donate a small sum to M.a.De for kids. At all the total sum of all donations around Rock & Metal Day’z is more than amazing 20.500.- €!


Of course, there was a raffle. You could buy a ticket at the festival merch stall and hope for one of the prizes. They reached from tickets for AC-DC, Rockharz, Heimburger Metalnacht, etc. to surprise packages of merch.

The stalls

I need to mention the beer trucks, stalls for merch, drinks, food, etc. of course.

We had everything and they are all operated by members of M.a.DE for Kids on a volunteer base. Even though it is good fun, it is also hard work and a lot of responsibility. 

A new stall this year was the Whisky and Rum bar which offered a nice selection of whisky, rum, and punch far away from the usual mainstream stuff. The bands were invited after their show.

The backbones

An army with empty stomach doesn’t fight. And a crew with empty stomach doesn’t work. It is the responsibility of the kitchen crew to avoid it. These are the crew members who seldom have the chance to watch a band and are never seen but perform the hardest job. Food must be prepared for breakfast, lunch, dinner, refreshments must be served. The individual requirements of the bands must be counted in when preparing their snacks, food and beverages. Everything must be ready on the spot. Only a tight organization can fulfill this role. And of course there also was the First Aid crew. One cannot thank all of them often enough for doing a great job! THANK YOU!

And you

Beside bands, crew, security, first aid and everybody involved there is the audience as another important part of each festival. It is you, who make it a success with your presence. So here are some impressions too. You will see members of bands and crew mingling with you. It is all a big family united by the love for metal. Let’s look forward to 2025 now and meet you again. Bring some friends, the more the better.

Sunday Blues

On Sunday after a few hours of sleep, the crew started to take down the festival. Here are some left over pics to fight the After Festival Blues.

The last ones would stay until Wednesday… The festival once again was worth all the efforts and it proved that metal is not male dominated anymore with the two headliners on Saturday being all female bands, the co-headliner on Friday being female fronted and the audience being a good mix of generations and genders. Metal unites.

Rock & Metal Day’z 2025

Ticket pre-sales already started and the first bands are announced.

And here is the after movie 2024

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M.A.DE. for Kids e. V.

Please buy physical music or download it from the bands official sources and don’t stream it for free because it steals your artists’ income.

Photos taken by  Friend.X aka Mr. Deep

Proof reading  by DerminBoad

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