Rock & Metal Day’z 2024 – Here We Were


Friday starts “slightly” earlier with the first band at 12:00, barely after breakfast, for the guests but six hours after the first crew members started preparing the day. Tinnitus Attack from Magdeburg perform Thrash, Black, Death Metal “as we like it”. Their sound is brutal enough to wake up even the last sleeper in tent or camper. This is metal as we like it, loud and rough.

On Every Page follow as the second band with their Post Hardcore/Metalcore. That is quite a change. But that’s what makes a good festival, the mix of bands and genres.

Then it is time for Bloodland, and we are back to traditional Death Metal of its finest. This band of metal-veterans has been around since 2008 and still sounds as fresh as a young summer day.

Next, we are taught a Lesson In Violence. This relatively young band performs pure Thrash Metal. I didn’t expect a lesson to be so interesting, school lessons are more boring and less violent.

Thrash-influenced Heavy Metal, angry vocals and melodic hook lines describe the sound of Odium the best.  And they give their best. Odium celebrate a Rock and Roll party during their slot even though it still is only afternoon as if there is no tomorrow.

Now we come to two very well-known bands of the Rock & Metal Day’z who are part of the family. The first one is Mysterica with their selection of Metallica-songs which surprises once again. Even if they look different, technically they don’t stand back behind the originals.

The second one are our most beloved Swiss guys and friends from Fire Rose. Double lead guitars and powerful vocals rule their slot. Their very fresh and traditional Heavy Metal speaks for itself, and their party-animal qualities don’t stand back. What stands out is that Fire Rose once again collected donations during their previous tours. The result is a sum of 1123.- € for M.a.De for Kids and its charity projects. THANK YOU, Fire Rose, you’re simply the best. Fire Rose really is a part of the RMD’z-family and of course they stay for the whole festival until Sunday.

Afterwards it is time for Friday’s Co-Headliner, the band around legendary Britta Görtz, Hiraes! Their Melodic Death Metal with growled vocals speaks for itself. The show is wild, energetic, and powerful but sadly ends to soon. Of course, everybody could have listened to them for another 75 minutes.

Bitterfeld is not only well known for its former chemical industry but also for the home of our headliner tonight, Goitzsche Front. Goitzsche is a former East German mining area and Front stands for unity. The lyrics are often very socially critical and pick up local topics. The music itself is a mix between Rock, Metal and Punk right between the eyes, straight into the brain. The audience who can indeed identify with the song topics celebrate the band as if there is no midnight until the dawn of the next day.

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