Lord Of The Lost for Liverpool
Lord Of The Lost is going to represent Germany on the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 (ESC) in Liverpool in May 9th to 13th. Their song “Blood & Glitter” achieved the topmost votes and shot German metal once more into the focus of the mainstream. Further participants were: Ikke Hüftgold, Will Church, TRONG, Lonely Spring, Anica Russo, René Miller and Patty Gurdy. The majority of artists participating in the German pre-ESC voting represent softer genres by far. Classical German Schlager, chanson-like pieces or pop in various flavours make the most often represented genres.
(The appearance before the voting of the ESC preliminary decision)
Representing Germany at the ESC comes with a huge risk. The representing artists have a reputation to fight hard to achieve only the last ranks of the competition although they usually easily enter the final contest. Four times in the past ten ESCs the German participant(s) achieved not even 10 points in the final result and only one made it in the middlefield.
At Obscuro however, we celebrate not only the result but already that finally a representative of Germany’s metal scene entered the contest at all. We know from Lord Of The Lost’s vocalist, Chris Harms that for him a dream has come true. He comments on the success is hard to comprehend still though being relieved (translated from: https://www.eurovision.de/news/ESC-2023-Lord-Of-The-Lost-vertreten-Deutschland-in-Liverpool,gewinner500.html).
Blood and Glitter, sweet and bitter
We’re so happy we could die
Interestingly, the international jury gave Lord Of The Lost only a mediocre rating. Their winner was Will Church with more than twice the jury points than Lord Of The Lost. Church again received only few points from the audience. Their votes turned out to be quite polarized, favouring strongly the perhaps most antagonist participants Ikke Hüftgold and Lord Of The Lost. The remaining six artists received only one third of all votes in total.
(The appearance as the winner of the ESC preliminary decision)
The metal community worked as it can be assumed that metalheads in general and Lord Of The Lost fans in particular joined and dominated the audience voting. It remains to be seen if the professional jury failed to see the ESC potential of “Blood & Glitter” as Lordi’s unforgotten “Hardrock Hallelujah” would suggest. Speaking of Finland, Joel Hokka vocalist of Blind Channel sends his vote: “Lord Of The Lost – 12 Points”. Further congratulations come for example from Rainier Sicone Di Hampez, former End Of Green bass player and Jarkko Liimatainen lead vocalist at Mimmorium and painter under the alias of Art For The Dead who sends his congratulations in particular the Lord Of The Lost drummer Niklas Kahl.
Save the dates of the Blood & Glitter Tour 2023
Online: Lord Of The Lost
Feel free to learn more about Lord Of The Lost on obscuro.eu
Please buy merch and physical music or downloads from the bands official sources and don’t stream music for free because it steals your artists’ income
Edited by Friend X & Muumi Katja
Featured image originates from:https://www.eurovision.de/vorentscheid/lord146_v-contentgross.jpg
Tourposter originates from: https://www.legacy.de/live/24-vorberichte/3326-lord-of-the-lost-blood-and-glitter-shows.html